Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

assignment 3: 20 color photos

complementary: green and pink

analogous: purple and red

analogous: purple and blue

complementry: red and green

analogous: pink and blue

complementary: pink and green

analogous: red and yellow

analogous: pink and red

complementary: pink and yellow

complementary: pink and green

analogous: green and yellow

complementary: purple and green

complementary: orange and green

analogous: yellow and green

complementary: red and green

analogous: green and blue

complementary: pink and yellow
analogous: red and yellow
analogous: pink and blue

analogous: purple and blue

analogous: green and blue

analogous: pink and yellow

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 B&W pictures using the rule of 3rds.

         The rule of 3rd is a method photographers use to produce quality pictures. It’s designed so the viewer’s eyes are draw to the entire picture, or whatever the photographer intended for the viewer to focus on. It divides the frame in to nine different sections. If a part of the picture lands on one of the cross sections of the lines that divide the photo, the viewer’s eyes are likely to be drawn to the spot. As well, anything that lies along the lines the viewers eyes will fallow.

The faces of the snake, big skeleton, and devil scull land on intersects drawing your eyes around the picture.


I put emphasis on the "c" by placing it on the top right intersection
This photo is evenly spaced between the sections. As well the shoes land on a intersection.


In this picture the bunny's eye lyes on the invisible intersecting lines. Eyes are often used as focal points.
The words fallow a line and the mouse eye lands on an intersection.
I wanted the big keys to land on the right hand sections to draw the eyes across the picture.

The "hp" draws the most attention, so I placed it at the bottom right. Next, the viewer will catch the buttons at top drawing the eyes across the picture.

The "No" Draws the most attention, so i placed it at the top center so the eyes would travel up the picture.

The lid stand out significantly so I placed in the top right section.

The eyes are drawn from bottom to top in the picture because the font gets bigger going up on the right line, ending with a fat hole in the top right section.